Enjoy these monthly blogs to shine light on what weights you down and keeps you stuck.

Accountability: How it Can Play a Role in Relationships and Life Management

I’ve integrated accountability into my process a number of years ago and only recently became aware of it’s huge impact on creating change. What brought this aha moment was my own experiences with it...

Mental Health: How Organizing Your Life Helps you Set Better Boundaries Around Your Mental Health

The work I do is a precursor to helping people address their mental health and well- being. Decluttering and organizing your life means it’s easier to do self-care! Along the way it’s an opportunity...

Core Values: How Being Connected to Your Values Can Help You Set Meaningful Goals

Over the years I’ve written blogs about goals setting and intention setting within the context of my process. This first step allows you to look deep within and see how your inner desires are or are...

Mental Health: How Being Organized helps you develop Better Habits for Your Diet + Time Management

Habit changing tends to be a focus when we want to manage our time better. If you are having a hard time focusing on working from home or you’re dealing with ever growing to do lists, changing a...

Psychological Flexibility: Child Care and Elder Care – How to Be Flexible and Maintain What’s Important to You

Whether it’s being in a relationship, your career or taking care of your kids, staying connected to your values helps support psychological flexibility. What is psychological flexibility? The...

Mental Health: How Letting go Can Help you Better Manage Your Emotions and Mental Health

Why letting go can improve your mental health and time management Holding onto beliefs, belongings, identity, stories, actions all create stress and clutter in your life.  This makes it hard to make...

Mental Health: How Your Environment Affects Your Mental Health

What is mental health ? The terms mental health and mental illness are used interchangeably, however they look and act differently.  Mental health refers to a person’s cognitive, behavioral, and...

Adaptability: How Being Adaptable Can Help You Be More Organized

What does it mean to be adaptable? Being adaptable means how you respond and how flexible you are in a situation. It’s something that you can learn over time and involves being willing and your...

13 Home Organization Tips to Spruce Up Your House by Julia Weaver from Redfin|Blog

Do you have items out of place? Or clutter taking up important areas of your home? If so, it may be time to reorganize. After living somewhere for an extended period of time it’s normal for things to...