Enjoy these monthly blogs to shine light on what weights you down and keeps you stuck.
February 23, 2017
Written by tonia cordi
Are you feeling overwhelmed?Do you have items on your list that have been there for months?Do you have multiple to do lists? Check out the suggestions below to help you overcome the...
December 29, 2016
Written by tonia cordi
The New Year is a time for renewal, starting fresh and letting go of the past. Many people use it as a marker to get their “life organized” and soon find that their New Year’s resolutions don’t last...
December 22, 2016
Written by tonia cordi
Do you keep all of your movie tickets, stuffed toys, medals and/or other items from your youth? People often have more than what they need because of their attachment to memories. It’s important to...
November 17, 2016
Written by tonia cordi
We all have an attachment to our belongings and for each one there’s a different reason. Over the years I’ve seen the same reasons pop up over and over and the big three I see are: guilt, how much...
November 10, 2016
Written by tonia cordi
How To Get Through Your To Do List 1. Accept that you will always have “things to do” I fooled myself for many years thinking if I just plowed through my to do list, especially one time...
October 20, 2016
Written by tonia cordi
Most of my clients dread paperwork and taxes — it’s very time consuming and tedious if you have years of back log. Taking it one step at a time, whether with a professional organizer or on your own...
September 22, 2016
Written by tonia cordi
If you read our last edition you may have already gone through the process of creating a realistic and tangible New Year’s resolution, that focuses on getting your home or office in order. It’s easy...