Enjoy these monthly blogs to shine light on what weights you down and keeps you stuck.
June 17, 2022
Written by tonia cordi
When I work with people I make an effort to acknowledge that they are putting themselves in a very vulnerable position. Your home is a direct reflection of your internal states and where you are at...
May 5, 2022
Written by tonia cordi
When you are clear on what you need to do and why, you are more productive. This puts you in a great position to be of positive influence to others because you have the time, energy and drive to do so...
April 8, 2022
Written by tonia cordi
When I used to hear the word productivity I would cringe. To me it meant being at high speed, always go go go and never stopping to smell the flowers. I imagined someone who is always on and never has...
March 4, 2022
Written by tonia cordi
How do you know if you are stuck in any one of these areas? Notice if you are having the same response every time someone asks you about an area in your life that you are struggling with...
February 3, 2022
Written by tonia cordi
It’s easy to stay in comfort and get into a rhythm of sameness, this way of being can create stagnation and a feeling of being stuck. Other ways that we can become stuck is having too many ideas...
January 6, 2022
Written by tonia cordi
The concept of creating can also be seen as “doing,” where we focus on our external world and getting things done. It can mean creating a list of desired outcomes, both internally (like being more...
December 16, 2021
Written by tonia cordi
Wellness trends come and go. However, over the years there’s been a steady increase in peoples’ awareness and the time spent caring for their health. When I work with clients, we address their overall...
November 24, 2021
Written by tonia cordi
How does accountability in your relationships affect life organization and life management? For one, when you live with others it’s important to set clear expectations of how you want to use the space...
October 21, 2021
Written by tonia cordi
What does workplace wellness look like? In the past 50 years the workplace has changed drastically. Not too long ago the phrase “workplace wellness” was unheard of. Now it’s an important part of most...