Enjoy these monthly blogs to shine light on what weights you down and keeps you stuck.

Intentional Living – 3 Ways to Be Intentional With Your Time + Space

It’s a New Year and a good time to focus on new goals. What are yours? I’ve spent many years working with clients to help them realize their goals and intentions, and would love to share what I’ve...

Sustainability – Get Organized and Sustainable: DIY Cleaning Products

     What do cleaning products have to do with getting organized?  When we’re organized it’s easier to make the time to care about ourselves, others, our communities, and the...

Sustainability – 6 Ways to Get Organized and Produce less Waste In Your Kitchen

As mentioned in my last post, food waste in Canada is a huge problem. There are organizations that are taking a stand and not waiting for the government to take steps in changing policies. You can do...

Sustainability – What Does Food Waste Have To Do With Being Organized?

When I work in cluttered kitchens with clients, I always find piles of expired food hiding in the back of cupboards, and fridges busting with old condiments that are way past their due date. Through...

Sustainability – How Getting Organized Made Me More Environmentally Sustainable

Have you ever tracked how much time you spend shopping or looking for the latest item to buy?  Do you find yourself moving piles of stuff from one place to another in search of something?...

Intentional Living – How To Implement Your Intentions + Goals

Creating intentions is inspiring and exciting — implementing them is another story. After identifying your intentions, it’s key to reflect on your barriers (and why you’ve procrastinated in the past)...

Mindfulness – Never Enough Time?

Feel overwhelmed with not having enough time? Try these three steps to help: 1) Awareness Create a table with three columns. Make a list of clutter habits in the first column (eg. never putting away...

Habit Changing – Small Habits that Lead to Big Change

3 Ways to Change Your Clutter Creating Habits 1) Do It Right Away! One of the biggest clutter-creating habits is procrastinating doing small tasks that later become large and daunting tasks. These...

Intentional Living – Seasonal Change Over

    The less change over, the better. Who wants to lug out bins from the basement or garage every season? When you go through the process this year, ask yourself the questions below. 1) How...