Sustainability – How Getting Organized Made Me More Environmentally Sustainable

Have you ever tracked how much time you spend shopping or looking for the latest item to buy?  Do you find yourself moving piles of stuff from one place to another in search of something?  Have you ever thought about your “stuff” impacting your ability to stay organized, the environment, and your health?

It’s been found that between 60-80 percent of the impacts on the planet come from household consumption.




As long as I can remember, since about the age of 9, I’ve been interested in and aware of the impact that humans have on the environment. I’m grateful that I was raised to only buy what I needed, things that were made to last and made from natural materials when possible. Even though I was brought up this way, I still acquired things I didn’t really need.

As I shifted gears into the organizing world I became aware that these items acted as my security blanket, my “just in case”, my “what if?”. As I went through the organizing process myself I was better able to see these habits and beliefs that no longer served me. Since then I’ve been on a mission to reduce my waste and I’m continuing to make progress day by day.

I’m not aiming for zero waste, I’m aiming for 80% of the things I buy to produce no waste.

What I do To Be More Environmentally Sustainable

How? Well, in the kitchen I buy the majority of my dried goods in bulk and reuse plastic bags so that my waste is minimal. With my wardrobe, I consciously think about pieces of clothing I need and don’t buy items unless they meet my criteria and goals.

In our past newsletters I’ve covered the benefits of being organized. Now I’m switching gears and sharing how how being organized can dramatically decrease your consumption and carbon footprint.  Each newsletter to follow will focus on one area of your belongings, ie. kitchen items, and go through ways that you can both reduce your waste and get organized. The end result is more time, a better sense of well being and a cleaner earth.

Want to learn more?
Here’s a good, simple checklist of ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

the handbook


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