Enjoy these monthly blogs to shine light on what weights you down and keeps you stuck.

Changing Your Environment – How To Create An Environment To Match Your Intentions

Creating an environment that supports you in your daily habits and routines is key to helping you live out your intentions. Learn how in this months vlog and blog...

Changing Your Environment – Setting up Your Spaces to Match The Life you Want

One of my main intentions for TSS was to help people get their lives in order, so that they could do the inner work needed to change. When making any kind of change in your life, it means expending...

Mindfulness – Letting Go Of To Do Distractions

This vlog goes over the basics of to do distractions and how we can eliminate those to do’s that don’t serve us. Often people put more on their plate than they can handle and in some ways they...

Mindfulness – Tackling To Do Distractions

Are you the type of person who will only do something if it’s perfect? Or do you like things done a certain way and won’t let anyone else do it? Does your to do list end up being way longer than those...

Mindfulness – Shifting Digital Distraction

  Being intentional is key and an important first step to making any change. Check out this video on digital distractions and learn how you can shift your habits and become more present and in...

Mindfulness – Moving Away From Digital Distractions

Often people speak of not having enough time to: workout, stay organized, eat healthy, wasting less food, etc. Our lives are filled with options and these options can be helpful and harmful at the...

Setting Boundaries – Boundaries and Your Relationship To Your Belongings

  Setting boundaries with work, your relationships and money are ways to stay connected to your intentions and values. Going through a similar process with your belongings also help create...

Boundaries – Setting Boundaries with Your Belongings

You’re belongings. Do you own them or do they own you? Where do you begin and you’re belongings end?  I’ve talked about our relationship to our belongings in other blog posts.  This month...

Setting Boundaries – Creating Boundaries With Your Time

  Taking the steps to see what’s getting in the way of having the time you need to do what you love is the first step in creating healthy boundaries with your time. Learn more in this months vlog...