Habit Changing – 5 Ways to Make Your Organizing Resolution Last!

If you read our last edition you may have already gone through the process of creating a realistic and tangible New Year’s resolution, that focuses on getting your home or office in order. It’s easy to be motivated at first but how do you keep that momentum going? One step at a time and trying the tips below can help propel you into living a more peaceful, purposeful and prosperous year.


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5 Ways to Put Your New Years Resolutions Into Action:

1. Sit down Sunday (or any other day of the week)

Pick a day that works for you to reflect and plan out your week.
– Where are you with your resolutions?
– What did you do last week to make progress?
– What can you do this week to continue to grow?
You can do this alone, or with anyone else that’s involved with your goal.

2. Routine, Routine, Routine

Even it’s just 30 minutes a week, commit to the process and eventually it becomes a routine. Starting small is key. When we work with clients we start with scheduling in type of task for a few weeks or more and don’t introduce another one until they have the first down pat.

3. Making a list and checking it twice – what app to use

Making a list and checking it twice – If I don’t write it down, most often I forget to do it. We recommend Google Keep for notes and lists to our clients, because it’s simple, syncs with your Google account, and you can access it on any device. There are many options to choose from but whatever app you choose, keep it simple.

4. Make a visual

If you’re a visual person make a dream board, painting, word collage, or even use sticky notes to remind you of your goals.

5. Let Go of Doing it All at Once – It’s a Process

On one hand I have the patience of a Saint, and on the other I want everything done now. I had to learn that focusing on one thing at a time is key. Don’t be frustrated with yourself if you are getting less done than you had planned — go at your own pace. If you rush through the process, you are likely to repeat the patterns that created the clutter in the first place.

What are your Organizing Resolutions for the New Year?

the handbook


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