Positive Mindset – Minimize Your Mindset Barriers So You Can Declutter and Let Go

Thomas Edison once said, “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” 

Often we think of organizing and achieving goals as processes that are outside ourselves. While your environment (such as physical barriers and social circumstances) can play a small part in a process, countless studies have shown that your mindset is what really determines a situation’s outcome.  This is why when working with clients I integrate both technical changes as well as address inner changes that need to occur to actualize intentions and goals.

So how do you minimize your mindset barriers?

Now it’s time to look at how you can grow out of old mindset barriers that keep you attached to belongings, clog up your time, and clutter your mind and space.

  1. Notice – Be real and honest with yourself, and accept where you are. 

  2. Change – Requires repetition, discipline, and a level of commitment. Choose new thoughts you want to hold that are meaningful and align with your intentions and life purpose.

  3. Act – Identify the steps that you need to take in order to create change, so you can let go of items that no longer serve you. Be creative + imaginative!

  4. Track + be accountable – “That which is measured, improves”. Find a way to track your growth. It could be as simple as checking items off a task list each day, or writing in a journal to document your growth and note your reflections. (I recommend doing both!)

Spaces + Your Belongings

Changing your environment helps tremendously to stay focused, positive and on course — I usually recommend this as a first step. I’ve talked about how beneficial setting up an environment to match your intentions and goals can be. 

Common Mindset Barriers around belongings and spaces:

  1. Struggling with letting go Read these blogs to learn about mindsets that hold you back from letting go and how to embrace having less.

  2. Letting your physical belongings identify your sense of self Identify how attached you are to your belongings 

  3. Not setting boundaries around acquiring “things” Think of those items you got for a deal, when you never really needed them. By setting boundaries with your belongings, you can ensure permanent change.

Time Mindset Barriers


  • Do things need to be perfect before I take action? 

  • How can I take that next step without things being perfect? 

  • How can I track your progress so that I can focus on movement towards growth rather than perfection?

Feeling obligated (“but I have to” mentality):

  • Am I prioritizing this for others, or for myself?

  • Is this something that I can put on hold for now? Is this something that I really want to do?

  • If I choose not to do this, what would it allow me to focus on?

Take responsibility (what needs to change?):

  • What could I be doing differently?

  • Am I making excuses for things that I can change?

  • Do I really “not have time”, or am I just not making the time?

  • Is this a pattern that I see in other aspects of my life?

Sustaining Change – How To Have A Positive Mindset

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Joseph Addison

Identifying and challenging your barriers can be exhausting and disheartening. It’s important to up your self care, and implement strategies to stay positive:

  1. Create an inspirational space

  2. Stay connected to your intentions, goals and vision

  3. Pay attention to your energy levels and emotions, and take a break if you need to

  4. Speak to yourself with compassion 

  5. Set realistic timeframes, and focus on one step at a time

  6. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey!

As always remember that this a process and one that is not linear.  That it’s a balance between changing your mindset, addressing inner emotions and just enjoying life!

the handbook


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